

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 2 - Basic Extension

This is a guide for the creation of extensions and themes for the StarMash Mod for AirMash.

Read this if you are interested in creating your own features and themes for AirMash.

This is part 2 of a multi-part tutorial.

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 1 - Introduction.

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 2 - Basic Extension

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 3 - Settings.

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 4 - Themes.

StarMash - Extensions and Themes - Part 5 - Advanced Themes.


In this part, you will learn:


Moving beyond the console

In the previous part of this tutorial, we learned how StarMash Extensions work, and created our first extension. But that extension only wrote some text to the console.

Now, we will move forward, to create something that actually interacts with the game.

What we will create now, is a simple extension that responds to the playerKilled event. As the name implies, this event is fired when a player’s ship is killed. So, open your code editor, create a new file, and paste this code:

    !function() {
        // When a player is killed, say Sorry to him vía a Bubble over our ship!
        SWAM.on("playerKilled", function(data, dead, killer){
            if ( == game.myID)
                // An enemy was killed. But we are polite, so we say sorry vía a bubble!
                Network.sendSay("Sorry " +;

        // Register the file as an extension
            name: "Tutorial - Part 2",
            id: "Tutorial2",
            description: "Playing with StarMash events!",
            author: "YOUR_NAME_HERE",
            version: "1.0"

Let’s examine this code:

As usual, we create our own Module, and put our code inside it. Then we write our extension’s code, and at the end, we register this file as an extension.

In this case, our code is subscribing to the playerKilled event. This event sends three arguments:

Both dead and killer object are instances of an AirMash class called Player.

You can add a breakpoint, or add a line like console.log(data, dead, killer); as the first line inside the handler, if you want to explore those objects a little more.

So, once StarMash triggers this event, our handler is executed receiving those arguments. We then proceed to check if killer’s ID corresponds to our ID. We do that by comparing == game.myID.

I can hear you asking:

Hey! Where does this game object come from?

This is a global object created by AirMash’s original game code. It stores some important information about the current game. There are several other global objects created by AirMash that will be useful to you when you develop your extensions. Some of them are:


You can write their name in the console, and hit enter (or add a watch) to explore what properties and methods each of those objects expose.

Also, sometimes you will work with object instances of classes like Player, Mob and Particle.

This tutorial will not covered them in detail, so it’s up to you explore them further. But as they are essential to get information about the game, you will most surely interact with them, so eventually, you’ll start exploring what they offer.

Let’s go back to our code. We compared == game.myID . If that’s true, it means the user just killed an enemy ship. So then, we call Network.sendSay to inform the server that we want to say something vía a bubble. If we instead wanted to say it vía the chat panel, we would have used one of the following:

    // Chat to everyone:
    Network.sendChat("Sorry " +

    // Chat to team members only:
    Network.sendTeam("Sorry " +

    // Whisper the player:
    Network.sendWhisper(, "Sorry " +

The first option would send a public message to everybody, the second only to team members, and the third only to the player you just killed.

But as that’s a sure recipe for getting vote-muted or ignored, so we’ll just use the bubble message. Please, please, please, avoid sending automated chat messages. Other users will not like it very much, and they will let you know this.


Adding complexity and making it fun!

Add the following lines below the playerKilled handler:

    let lastPhraseTime = 0;

    SWAM.on("playerImpacted", function(data)
        let playerId = data.players[0].id;

        // If it's not me, quit
        if (playerId != game.myID)

        let now = new Date().getTime();
        // If the time between the last message
        // and now is less than 3 seconds, we exit
        // to avoid being throttled by the server
        if (now - lastPhraseTime < 3000)

        let phrases = null;
        let player = Players.get(playerId);
        lastPhraseTime = now;

        // If it was a 'light' impact
        if ( > 0.35)
            phrases = ["Ahhh!", "I'm hit!", "ARRGG!", "They've got me!",
            "I need help!", "Ouch!", "Don't do that!", "Shields down!",
            "Damn!", "Nothing serious!", "Redirecting power!", "Oh dear!",
            "I'm fine!", "Still fine!", "Don't fail me now!",
            "Droid, full power!", "My ship!", "The paint is still new!",
            "Nothing to worry about", "Oh c'mon!", "You'll pay for this!",
            "Oh please!", "I'll make you pay!", "Goddam!", "I'm still here!",
            "Focus, focus!", "You've trained for this!",
            "I didn't sign up for this!", "I'm gonna get you!", "Just a scratch!",
            "C'on " + + "!"];
        // if it was serious, but I'm still alive
        else if ( > 0)
            phrases = ["Heeeelp!", "Eject, eject!", "Critical hit!",
            "NOOO!", "AHHH!", "May the fo-...", "I've lost my shields!",
            "F***!", "I lost my droid!", "General failure!", "Arrrrhhh!",
            "-NOoo!", "Please please! please!", "I'm hit! I'm hit!",
            "Tell my wife...", "Come on... COME ON!", "Don't fail me now...",
            "I can do it!", "Ahhhhhrrr!!", "Nooooooooo!",
            "I can't take much more!"];
        else return;
        // choose a random phrase
        let index = Tools.randInt(0, phrases.length - 1);

        // and send that phrase as a bubble

Download the complete file

What this piece of code does, is send a random bubble message every time our ship is hit. The message is selected from one of two list of messages. The list to use is determined by our ship’s health.

Let’s analyze the code in detail:

So, it’s time to save or download the file, update your server, and add this extension to StarMash.

Test it and have some fun!


Rounding up

In this lesson we learned about some AirMash global objects and classes. We created an extension that responds to two different events, and learned how to avoid being disconnected or banned by the server. Even when it’s a very simple example, this extension shows the basics of creating an usefull extension.

Next, we will learn about storing custom settings for your extension.

Continue to Part 3


Go back to Part 1